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Norton Music's Intro and Ending Disk #4
for Band-in-a-Box and/or General MIDI

Following the success of In/Out disks #1, 2 and 3, Norton Music Presents: Even more fancy introductions and endings you can copy and paste on your MIDI files to make them sound better!

Have you ever listened to one of those auto-play keyboards?

Don't they have great built-in introductions and endings?

Have you ever wished you could have those great introductions and endings without spending thousands of dollars to buy one of those keyboards?

Well, now you can!

Fancy Introductions and Endings in General MIDI format
A MIDI sequencer is required to use these files

This idea actually came from one of my customers. He makes MIDI files with Band-in-a-Box, Jammer, and a software sequencer, and enjoyed using the fancy introductions and endings on Norton Music's User Style Disks #4 and #5 for Band-in-a-Box. He asked me if I would make a disk of nothing but introductions and endings, so I did.

So I followed his suggestion and released Norton Music's Intro and Ending Disk #1 in 2001. It was an immediate success! Musicians from all over the world raved about the concept and how it improved the quality of their MIDI files, including (but not limited to) the MIDI filed generated with Band-in-a-Box, Jammer and other auto-accompaniment hardware and software devices.

    Following the success of the first in/out disk, Norton Music is pleased to introduce an all new fancy Intro and Ending disk!

  • There are 39 fancy introduction and endings in General MIDI format on this disk. They are formatted in this way: (1) Fancy Introduction (2) 12 bar blues progression (3) Fancy Ending. All you have to do is copy the intro or ending and paste it at the beginning or end of any MIDI file.
  • There are three files for each style, one in C major, one in C minor and one in G major. Having one in C and G will help make transposition easier. Sometimes the C major file is almost the same as the C minor file, sometimes it is entirely different.
  • There are long multi-bar introductions and/or endings, and a few short ones. Variety is the spice of life!

Although these files will work with Band-in-a-Box, they are not part of Band-in-a-Box. You must export your song as a MIDI file (by clicking the .MID button) and import them into a sequencer (like Power Tracks Pro) to use them.

A MIDI sequencer is required to use these files. It can be a software sequencer (like Power Tracks Pro, Cakewalk, Cubase, Sonar, Master Tracks Pro, etc.) or hardware based (keyboard workstation and/or dedicated sequencer). If you can copy, transpose, and paste MIDI file segments, you can use this disk.

Although these fancy introductions and endings can be used with any MIDI sequences, they will work especially well with Norton Music's User Style Disk #14 for Band-in-a-Box

Do you want to hear some demo files?

These disks are sold in General MIDI format. The demo files are in mp3 format, recorded at 32kbps/mono (low fidelity) for fast download and audition.

Norton Music's IN/OUT Disk #4
Requires a MIDI sequencer
Compatible with Norton's style disk 14 for Band-in-a-Box

Only $16.95 ...
And you can SAVE up to $7.00 Per Disk

Click here for discount information
or here for instant E-delivery details
PC and Mac downloads are zip compressed for fast delivery
All credit card purchases get automatic, instant e-delivery
• and all files are certified virus-free for your protection

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